Monday, November 24, 2008

December 21, 2008, Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 21, Fourth Sunday of Advent

2 Sm 7:1-5, 8-14, Rom 16:25-27/Lk 1:26-38

Psalm Antiphon: O Key of David, and Sceptre of the House of Israel, that openeth and no mortal shutteth, and shutteth and no man openeth, come to liberate the prisoner from the prison, and them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death.

O Key of David, you open and no one can shut.

O Key of David, you open. No one can shut

a gate you open to liberate the prisoner.

O Key of David, you open. No one can shut

a gate you open. The prisoner, the one who sat

in the shadow of darkness and death is freed.

O Key of David, you open and no one can shut

a gate you open. The prisoner once sat in the shadow of darkness and death. Now, free,

it is time for us to walk out into light and life.

Mantra: Come. Walk in the light.

Kay McMullen, SNDdeN