Thursday, December 25 – Christmas Day
Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18
In the beginning was the Word;
And the Word became flesh
and made his dwelling among us. Jn. 1
Oh, yes, how I love words…love to read them, to savor their message and love to talk! Sometimes I’m even surprised at what words pop out of my mouth. Aha, so that’s what I was thinking!
But then comes today’s Gospel challenge to put flesh on my words as God did so many years ago in Jesus. Now I am challenged to put flesh on my words – to follow my thoughts and opinions with action. It is way easier to speak my truth and a whole other thing to put flesh on that truth. And here we are Christmas day, celebrating the birth of Jesus whom we try to follow with our whole being. Talk is cheap but enfleshing the compassion and justice of God can be quite costly. Today can I really celebrate my readiness to follow Jesus with more than words and good intentions?
Mantra: Word of God dwell in me,
act through me.
Dianne Baumunk, OSU