Thursday, December 11
Is 41:13-20/Mt 11:11-15
“It is I who say to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.”
Is. 41
Do not fear! I will help you. Even when you wake up feeling like a worm or an insect! Even when you are poor and needy I will answer you. I will open rivers on your bare heights! I will make your wilderness a pool of water! I will plant cedars, acacias, myrtles and olives in your wilderness! I will do this especially when you feel like a worm or an insect so that your own poverty can leave room for my gifts. I only ask you to do something to round out this circle of caring: turn and help your neighbor who is poor and needy. Then you shall rejoice and glory in me.
Mantra: Do not fear! I will help you!
Kay McMullen, SNDdeN